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For the next few updates, we're gonna do something different! This is mainly because I'm leaving for San Diego in a few days and I won't be back for over a week. (taking the train down from Oregon, in fact - I hear it's scenic!)
If you intend to but haven't ordered your pint glasses yet, you should probably do so before Monday, when I'll be sending the final numbers to the printers. That way you're sure to get yours as soon as they come in!
See you at San Diego, if you're going! I'll be with my friends at the Dumbrella booth once again, table 1335. In my next post on Monday I'll tell you the stuff I'm planning to sell there.
36 thoughts on “octopus pie mongo minis vol. 1”
Aww, cute short strips deserve cute short laughs.
Good luck!
Robert J! Lake
why are these so funny oh man
Oh man, that WAS a pretty good blunt.
hehehe nice vague reference to shawshank in the second one
I really don’t get the last one
This guy
It's drugs
Sweet! I'm glad to have a new (and awesome) reason to visit the Dumbrella booth this year. =)
The train is wonderful….really.
Long. But wonderful. =)
Bring both book and camera.
Stupid light-bulb had it coming.
Sir Lancelot
Mini, or "bad" comics as Mike Woodson of Irritability fame calls them, are ALWAYS funny. Even if they're not funny…
Which these are. These are hilarious. I love Hannah in the bathtub in the 4th one…
Irritability seems to be gone, anyone know anything about it?
wanna punch that bulb.
Da Biggest Blunt: suspiciously reminiscent of a kebbeh.
David Waltergart
Hannah, don't Bogart that bulb, dude.
Mer, I'd be ordering glasses if I wasn't about to move. Can I order them but delay shipping?
john f
Having taking the Coast Starlight (the Amtrak name for the train you'll be taking) from LA to San Jose, I can tell you that you'll pass through some absolutely glorious scenery. I suspect that the part above San Francisco will be even more beautiful.
Are they big pint glasses or little pint glasses? I was going to say American or English, but I just had a big pint glass here in the states last week
lol last still is hilarious!!
ewww wait not "still" i meant "strip"
Never ever type while you're not paying attention
If everyone could follow that simple rule, it would COMPLETELY CHANGE THE INTERNET
Hee hee, I love these.
That's all I have to say.
Sarah G
See you at Comic Con! I can't wait for the four days of nerdy bliss. Ah.
Now I just have to decide if I want to bring my Star Wars captain's shirt with me…
Phil Matthews
My favorite is the second one. The look on her face after she sees the writing. Priceless.
I love eve’s expression in the 3rd panel of the 2nd strip.
I don't get the last one at all…
Almost Literally
I don't get the second or fourth, but I love these!
The meaning of comic #4 is simple: It's DA BYGGYST BLUNT!!
Monsieur Derp
I didn't get the last one and it took me a while to get the third one. Love your comics, Meredith <3
The Cure one is easily my favorite.
hey uh did you change "byggest" to "biggest" because i could have sworn it was comically misspelled
<3 if only I was suuure that my head on the door was a dre-he-heaaam
I finally understood the third one, lol funny i love this webcomic
K. Signal Eingang
Funny, I made that Race for the Cure joke the very same day, according to Facebook. Except it was regarding Tour de Cure, so there were also bicycles involved.
Thank you, last commenter. See, if you barely even know the Cure exists, you don't recognize the lyrics.
Weed Enema
I am in love with the second one. <3<3<3