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Friday is the last day to grab some signed Octopus Pie books while they're in my store! And I'm doing a little sale - spend at least $50 and use the code "FALLS4YOU" to save 10% on the whole order! This offer applies to original art, too.
I'm also selling copies of Secret Coders Volumes 1 and 2 by my husband Mike Holmes and writer Gene Yang! I can't recommend these books enough if you wanna get some kids in your life interested in coding. Delightful art, great energetic characters, concise examples. Mike will sign your book, too!
27 thoughts on “#946 – kids stuff”
Oh no! I'm ok with Hannah like her mum says. But will Will and Eve talk? I love Hannah's mom here
That last panel is heartbreaking. I'm not sure what's going in in Diane's mind, or what will happen, but I think she and Hanna might benefit from talking together without anyone else there.
The way she says "don't worry" in the last panel… worries me.
Is anyone else thinking that Hannah's mom and dad just went through a divorce? I'm getting divorce vibes here <. <……FINGERS CROSSED that I'm just paranoid!
Why do I feel like that last "don't worry" was for herself
Mental Mouse
Alternatively, it could be Famous Last Words, and the strip takes a sad turn. (Just lost an uncle, myself.
and they are going to take the car…
Cute Girl On The Bus
The Thompsons only want bread!!
I love this chapter.
I hate to mention it, but- there is a type of mushrooms that can be mistaken for morels. They are called, [false morels]. False morels can be toxic if you eat them. Please be careful, Diane. *sweat drop*
Mental Mouse
Yeah, and it's not just morels. When the first British and European colonists came to the Americas, they naturally went out collecting mushrooms just as they had back home… and discovered the hard way that a lot of their traditional favorites had poisonous look-alikes over here. And then over time, the various human traffic carried spores along, both ways. So now on both sides, there are a lot of lovely edible mushrooms, with similar but deadly look-alikes….
Don't worry, Diane's smart enough to only provide good morels for this story.
I feel like Hanna's mum must be a bit jaded regarding relationships at the moment; Hanna and Marek's relationship isn't one that can be written off as insignificant so flippantly imo
The whole implication of dread that won't go away through this arc is just… I have no clue of what might be coming, or if something mught be coming at all, Diane is still such a new character to us readers that's hard to separate what she says as a mom, a friend, a conselor… The whole complexety of having bits of expression, conversations and thoughts is so similar to life, geez, this chapter is really breathing. Amazing stuff
Hanna's mom DID seem incredibly empathetic about Eve's doctor's appointment woes …
I hope you're wrong, but fear you're not. Do we know anything about Hanna's father? Or any other supports that Diane may have?
"Spoiler alert… These doctor's visits never get any better."
man i wish those colors in the middle row were a woman so i could treat it to a delightful dinner and then politely fuck it.
That last "Don't worry" makes me worry.
Thanks for the morel support!
Margaret Hogg
You're such a fungi.
"Maybe worry about me enough not to have sex in my car, though."
Man, I had a dream a few weeks ago about the end of Octopus Pie and it was one of those "Anders-Loves-Maria" ridiculously tragic comic endings, tho I can't recall any specifics.
TvT I hope it's not going in that direction, but ah, I trust ya to be good comic, no matter if it's sad, bittersweet, or happy.
It's a little heart wrenching to think that the idea of being kind to one another [in a relationship] is seen as something that will inevitably end, in Diane's mind. Her "daydreams" comment is incredibly dismissive of Marek & Hanna's relationship, as if what they shared wasn't real, in the first place. (I'm sensing strong undertones of mom case projection here.) I mean, what's love without the "kids' stuff" naïveté?
I think she was just pointing out the fact that Marek & Hanna had a relationship devoid of any serious issues or differences. She probably doesn't know the exact reason they broke up and thinks their relationship was just shallow enough that their first big argument did them in.
I think it's a symptom of being outside looking in. And being a mom. My mother likes to say that people who aren't married but living together are "just playing house" -_-
Plus, Diane seemed to be aware of the kid thing earlier on (possibly). It might have been hard for her to take seriously a relationship that the people involved had already decided would have to come to an end. Even if they were ignoring it at the time.
Yeah .. Hanna and Marek were so accepting of each others' differences and flaws, which seemed like a mature aspect of them for me at least .. Until now I still unreasonably wish They'd get back together at some point …
But also , thinking about it from mom's perspective I guess she saw how they were delaying the serious parts that needed to happen in their relationship because they both knew that they wouldn't be able to resolve them if they had to face each other. It's probably true when she said that it had to end at some point because they wanted different things in life, but because they genuinely loved one another it kept getting harder for them to let go.
But for me, I don't think it was a kids' stuff at all .. we as humans change, and these things can happen in any kind of relationship , and some people can get through them, and some don't.. they could both still count as valid ones nonetheless.
Laura E.
Am I the only one who doesn't see the last panel as some sort of dark foreboding? She has a little smile on her face as she says it more to herself than anyone else. Maybe it's just Diane figuring out that she's going to be alright, that this weekend surrounded by young folks who adore her is just what she needed.