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This was the first page I had Sloane color when we were figuring the whole color thing out - it's really where I thought color was going to improve the comic. There are so many locations and so many different tones in this story, and to represent them all in greyscale, something feels missing.
14 thoughts on “#673 – whatever you can”
Never noticed that pic in his wallet! Is it him and his mom?
Love all the graffiti you packed into panel 2. [RACIST WORD]
Brittany Datchko
Where can we see the colour version of this? I feel like I have seen it before and the washroom was all red or maybe that was just a false memory…
Part of it was the header image on meredith's patreon, or something like that
I always am struck by how you zoom in and out on your characters' proportions without it feeling off. Panel 2, 3, and 4 Will are all scaled so differently – from not-quite-Chibi to near realistic human proportions. And yet it's clearly the same person and it feels like a natural progression.
Rachel Shu
did you ever post the colored version? would love to see it
zoom in and enhance on that wallet photo
I've been in that exact bathroom like a hundred thousand times, but mostly on the lower east side. By the time I moved to Brooklyn I was thirty-three, engaged, and in the "hey, I can afford to go to places where the bathroom doesn't look like it's going to give me Hep-C!" stage of my life.
I think Will's my favorite OP character. It takes him so long to get his shit together, it's done in so many tiny incremental steps, and I really enjoy the way the journey's laid out in all of these pages.
There are only two types of NYC restaurant bathroom:
1. Graffiti, no or broken mirror, paper towels just kind of stacked up somewhere, combination bleach-and-vomit smell
2. Candle-lit, Aesop soap and lotion, handmade Turkish towels you get to take home with you, giant plant in corner
Matt Bixler
now those bathrooms just have everyone's instagram scrawled all over them
Love these comics, is there a why to buy them all as paperback?
Do you have the books, chapters included within and where to buy them listed anywhere?
Hannah Banana
You can get them on Amazon. I didn't see them in her shop or anywhere else
Who's in that picture with Will in his wallet??
Stuck stuck stuck
The page seems to be stuck again.