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Guys this story is almost over! And then I am traveling to the UK for THOUGHT BUBBLE FESTIVAL!
I'll have some original art and some prints and some mini-comics. If you have an original art request, send me an e-mail and I can possibly bring it to you!
43 thoughts on “#634 – why is it winter”
Oh god. I'm 22. Should I try to get a job and quit after a few weeks so I can get shit done too?
Michael Howard
I'm 25 and I've been saying the same shit since I was 22..
At 35, I've been saying stuff like this for 15 years.
Maybe, like, never make life decisions based on what Jacob says. Go for that that instead.
Mr. Potato Patato Von Spudsworth III
Ten years later, do you still think this?
He'll return after a long journey, having become the Wisdom Douche.
Hahaha, best in a while. And that's saying something. Love the little feature shot of Eve in the opening 'panel', too.
Octopus Pie started at Olly's, is it now going to end there?! OHHHHHHHH
Octopus Pie can't end! Don't give Meredith Gran ideas!
Time to go back into hiding, Eve, 'cause "gurl, u got dat donk!"
*ahem* what I meant to say was…Eve is adorable in this strip.
wait… is this a flashback within the camping storyline, or a jump forward to after the camping trip?
Its five years in the future,
well after Eve met her true love , and married him,
( who had been staring her in the face the whole time) : Puget Sean
No! No! No! No! Dude, fuck you! Also, i think that the comic wil end with Eve and marek together and Will and Hanna the same way.
Shade of Blue
eh huh…?
I feel like Jacob has changed visually the most of any other character through the series. I'm sometimes confused who he is every time we see him
I love the old-ass food add.
Marvin Choi
There's this Pokemon song about evolution and there's a lyric that keeps going "everything's changing, changing, things are changing constantly."
Bruno Guedes
I see Eve's Wisdom Bitch mode is in full power once again, eh?
From smug to devastated in less than 3 panels. A new record.
I'm 22 on the 22nd of this month… Will my body start to decompose as well? I don't think it's started yet… Should I see a doctor?
Is it me or did eve get preppy and sexy……what strange planet is this
How old is Eve now? Mid-twenties, right? 25?
Just realized what's gonna happen to Julie
Side note, when will cast pages be updated?
Is Eve wearing Uggs?
Possibly, though there are lots of boot brands now. I’m not surprised that Eve too has given in the the overwhelmingly popular trend of boots with tucked-in jeans.
"A river bed of time's great rewards."
That MUST be wisdom 'cause I have no fucking clue what it means.
The time's great rewards are all in the bottom of the river because no one ever uses it?
I just found out about this webcomic. Blasted through it. LOVE IT so much SOOOOOOOO much. SOOOO MUCH
I know that feel.
Welcome Erin!
Also… I liked it so much I read all of it again x.x I just love this comic so much now.
I'm 26 and I still feel like I haven't even begin to figure my shit out.
The duck sees only bread.
Nonono. Shh. Just tell us it gets easier. We'll believe you.
Yo, admin. Can't access specific comics from story guide. Fix dat shitup.
I feel like Jacob has changed visually the most of any other character through the series.
Haha, just you wait…
Octopus Pie started at Olly's, is it now going to end there?! OHHHHHHHH
I feel like Jacob has changed visually the most of any other character through the series.
Prediksi Bola
Can't access specific comics from story guide. Fix dat shitup…!!!
Eve, you shouldn't be able to look that cute with a broom, lol. She's being kinda fung shui today. ALMOST 22 and practically decomposing?! Well, that must make me a full fledged zombie lol
Is that broom just for leaning on.
I kind of really, really like Jacob