There is a giant stick somewhere in the apartment. I don't know who removed it, but kudos to whatever person managed to get that close to Eve without getting mauled.
i thought it was okay at first but because the novelty is almost completely based on said shock value it was one of the least replayable board/card games i know.
Is the the guy in panel six whose breaking the fourth wall and giving us the hairy eyeball supposed to be Puget Sean? Because he looks like the neurotic twenty-something version of Harold of Purple Crayon fame! (Maybe he's just freaked to see Eve stoned and happy).
The way I see it, he just saw Meredith leave with the excuse that she has to get up early for work… but Monday is probably DAYS from now, and what's actually happening is that she is in a hurry to bang the photographer, who she's leaving with. Puget Sean is upset because he has a crush on Meredith, but she doesn't like him that way.
Oh, Greg… one would think you learned your lesson during those two months when you showed up everywhere with your deluxe Settlers of Catan box and acted like you just happened to have it on you.
Don't tell me you didn't do that, Greg, we both fucking know you did.
Eve's dialogue implies that this is either a relatively recent phenomenon, or a relatively rare event. She's the only person present who is still impressed by the fact that they're all smoking weed, and being high still seems to be a novel experience for her. I mean, don't get me wrong, you'll meet some veteran potheads who never stop acting like that, but Eve doesn't strike me as the type.
After you've been high more than a handful of times, talking about how high you are is the pot-smoking equivalent of talking about the weather. It's just meaningless pap that extroverts can use to fill up every silence with more pointless talk. Introverts like Eve just shut up about it once they're accustomed to being high.
I looked at a date on a different page thinking this was posted in 2012. I was afraid there was some kind of hiatus going on or something. Thank goodness I clicked the comments link. The posting date is recent. Hopefully there won't be any hiatuses in the near future because I want to be checking back periodically to see how things turn out for these people.
I'm not sure what to think of Eve smoking pot but its interesting to see how the character has evolved since the beginning. Can't wait to see what happens next.
I felt like I had a really strong connection to Eve because she was herself and she didn't seem to give into peer pressure or anything. Not saying that she gave into peer pressure or anything for smoking what she had originally been so against but I do feel like I lost a little of the connection I had to her before.
47 thoughts on “#612 – a successful night”
Same Eve. Same.
Somewhat surprising to see Eve smoking, though it makes sense.
This is a thing of beauty.
She becomes more and more cartoony as she gets more high…
I think that tends to go for everyone.
I want a spinning-head gif of Eve saying "Get the FUCK OUT everyone!" I'd also wear it on a t-shirt.
Don't know which Eve's face I like the most…
omg her little face
There is a giant stick somewhere in the apartment. I don't know who removed it, but kudos to whatever person managed to get that close to Eve without getting mauled.
Eve does *gasp* DRUGS?
cards against humanity is just as shitty as apples to apples but with a shock value, feigned creativity
Senor Guest
Dude I know.
i thought it was okay at first but because the novelty is almost completely based on said shock value it was one of the least replayable board/card games i know.
That's probably part of the joke.
Apples to Apples is amazing what's wrong with you guys?
the last panel speaks to me
Eve looks like Ponyo in the last two panels XD haha
oh my god, the last panel… perfection
Eve smokes weed now! Oh things change.
Is the the guy in panel six whose breaking the fourth wall and giving us the hairy eyeball supposed to be Puget Sean? Because he looks like the neurotic twenty-something version of Harold of Purple Crayon fame! (Maybe he's just freaked to see Eve stoned and happy).
I think he's super high and paranoid from getting smoked up by Hannah.
The way I see it, he just saw Meredith leave with the excuse that she has to get up early for work… but Monday is probably DAYS from now, and what's actually happening is that she is in a hurry to bang the photographer, who she's leaving with. Puget Sean is upset because he has a crush on Meredith, but she doesn't like him that way.
Just when I think I've seen the best Eve face….Meredith draws an even better one.
You've spoken for all of us.
Oh man, Puget Sean's all WHO'S SHE LEAVING WITH!
Cards Against Humanity?! Hells yeah!
i love it.
It's weird how often I've been Eve in that last panel! It's almost like it's a recurring experience.
Meredith is so spectacular at everything.
Dat side-eye in panel six
Greg. Listen man. You are never gonna get with Eve. Okay? Not happening.
Oh, Greg… one would think you learned your lesson during those two months when you showed up everywhere with your deluxe Settlers of Catan box and acted like you just happened to have it on you.
Don't tell me you didn't do that, Greg, we both fucking know you did.
Game parties are awesome… if everyone is on the same page/level of inebriation.
But even then Cards Against Humanity is pretty fucking played out.
poor, angry sean
Poor Sean.
And man, I can't believe is one of those types of smokers. You can tell she's just started.
WoW! the last panel made me burst out laughing.
I think that since the "dick pulp" event, that Eve is beginning to loosen up a lot!
Go Eve!
Since when does Eve smoke pot?
Steve B.
Eve's dialogue implies that this is either a relatively recent phenomenon, or a relatively rare event. She's the only person present who is still impressed by the fact that they're all smoking weed, and being high still seems to be a novel experience for her. I mean, don't get me wrong, you'll meet some veteran potheads who never stop acting like that, but Eve doesn't strike me as the type.
After you've been high more than a handful of times, talking about how high you are is the pot-smoking equivalent of talking about the weather. It's just meaningless pap that extroverts can use to fill up every silence with more pointless talk. Introverts like Eve just shut up about it once they're accustomed to being high.
Commodore Biggles
Is it weird that the first thing that surprised me is that it's obviously a Technics deck in the first panel?
I looked at a date on a different page thinking this was posted in 2012. I was afraid there was some kind of hiatus going on or something. Thank goodness I clicked the comments link. The posting date is recent. Hopefully there won't be any hiatuses in the near future because I want to be checking back periodically to see how things turn out for these people.
I'm not sure what to think of Eve smoking pot but its interesting to see how the character has evolved since the beginning. Can't wait to see what happens next.
I can't remember her actively NOT smoking pot. I think she didn't want to date Will because he sold drugs, not because he used them.
I felt like I had a really strong connection to Eve because she was herself and she didn't seem to give into peer pressure or anything. Not saying that she gave into peer pressure or anything for smoking what she had originally been so against but I do feel like I lost a little of the connection I had to her before.
I love it when my non stoner friends toke up every once in a while. Eve rules.
Rube Rubeberg
Now I wanna hit thit.
Bruno Guedes
With Eve, when the party is done, it is FUCKING DONE! OuO
I'm wondering if this is when Hanna starts to notice weed doesn't make her high anymore.
Eve smoking weed…