#608 – meme science

In addition to monitoring their hobbies, there was a lot of talk about millennials' useless degrees and the kind of jobs they could aspire to. Listicles have ebbed a little, but it's not like they've been replaced with much, massive media layoffs abound and all. This photographer would probably be taking stock driving photos between Grubhub deliveries now.

3 thoughts on “#608 – meme science

  1. Meme science is called 'memetics' and it's the study of how things become culturally relevant and important, treating "memes" or objects of cultural relevance as similar to organisms operating in a cultural environment rather than a natural one! It's a relatively new field but has widespread application, particularly in this age when everyone is trying to "go viral". If he is making listicles, there's a good chance they're popular, but otherwise he may have found a good job in advertising or as a staffer in a political campaign. No Grubhub deliveries for this trailblazer if he keeps his chin up and nails his job interviews!

    1. minor in that pared with a marketing major and i believe this would make you irresistible to media companies today.

      shit why didn't i think of that? oh well back to my english degree…

  2. One of my top thirty punch-lines.

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