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Hey here's an update! The site had some database craziness today, and it looked pretty grim -- but Tyler J. Hutchison swooped in to the rescue! In addition to being a rad guy, Tyler is also a great cartoonist and inventor of We Draw Comics. Go enjoy his work!
You might've noticed updates have been slow. Convention season and constant travel is hitting me hard. It won't be too much longer 'til things are back on track. Thanks to everyone who came out to VanCAF and was super nice!
39 thoughts on “#604 + 605 – going in”
earth dude
WELP. (sound of me hearing an exact description of my life)
Rowen Morland
If it includes the going in part that involves having lots of friends and connecting with them I'd say you're doing alright
Eve's last three expressions are just too good.
Algebraic Ennui
Been a while since the last update.
This comic's ability to capture many of the various images, attitudes and perspectives of early adulthood (especially in an urban environment) simply doesn't wane, even with such daunting absences.
And it never stops being damned hilarious either
This "Going In" is becomming quite common, actually! With bars charging you to go in, the crowded spaces inside clubs, and the dangers of going back home – More when you live like 40 minutes by car from these places – are all demolished by "Going In".
"Going in" is like college redoubled. It's what I did most nights at university with my jobless friends in expensive Austin, and I can't see myself not doing it going forward; I really would miss the connection. Too awesome, Meredith!
Oh no, Eve has been ensnared by the Clark's astute observations!
It's toooooooootally not about sex. No sir.
Nope nope nope. And Eve so does not have a type.
I dunno… Sort of sounds like a potluck to me. One of my favorite ways to socialize is over food that I personally made.
Everyone looks super cute.
Yeah, I'm 34 & have been doing this my entire social life. I'm in the midwest, though. Maybe it's different here? (Chicago & south suburbs)
I think the joke is that the Times (like usual) is writing a silly article on a specific ritual of young people that's not really that unique or interesting or specific to the generation but acting like it's a massive unifying social movement. it's typical overblown journalist bs.
I think it would be fun to write a news story on that particular phenomenon: news sources reporting on stuff that is not really news, just to fill pages.
But then, that wouldn't really be news either.
Clark you may be superman, but you the WORST newspaperman.
That second panel is a better ad for booze than any I've ever seen. That pose is fantastic. Did you use a model?
God, this is just the quintessential Times column (okay, not just them, but it's fun to beat up on the Times). That thing that you just do, because it's a normal, sane thing to do? It's not what you thought at all, it is significant beyond your wildest imaginings, and you are the emblem of your generation.
At least with the "needles in coke cans" line, Clark seems at least self-aware of the NYT's modus operandi here.
Well, if it's the typical, sane thing to do for you, but wasn't something typically done by your age group a decade ago, that means something. It IS significant, from a cultural point of view. Anthropological scientists are all over that shit. And it IS likely tied in with the economical climate. Not that we, as "going inners" ever think about the big picture consciously when we do it, other than to say "ugh, that bar charges to get in and I don't have much, let's just buy a case at the store or something". So of course we'll just handwave at it ("everyone does that, like it means anything, psh") if a scientist brings it up as a cultural and social shift in this generation. Doesn't make it untrue or insignificant.
It's a potluck
He's describing a potluck in the most overblown, trendhunting terms possible
Hope that helps, "going inner"
I don't go out or in, but I'll also note that everyone else I know…goes out unless they're having a party. And half the time the party is out, too.
And my parents didn't do potlucks or any other person I know. I know that they exist, from some sort of social assimilation, but I can't personally tell you of any potlucks I've heard of people having…
Hence why I was like "well, if at some point we did it, or maybe we STOPPED doing it, and we STARTED doing it again, that has social and cultural significance." Though I guess, every thing we do has significance scientifically, even things such as the reasons behind why you shouldn't pick your nose in public…
The big picture, though, is that this isn't really a generational thing. "Going in" is a fancy new name for a potluck, and old ladies were organizing potlucks at the church back when I was just coming out of diapers. And then my parents were leaving me with an aunt while they had a potluck with their friends. And then I did it with my friends back in college.
Mad respect for anthropologists, and if the NYT was an anthropological journal, or if it was actually going to the numbers a lot with these lifestyle pieces, then that would be different. Articles like these are usually anecdotes embroidered with speculative significance, though.
Everyone here seems to be burying the real lede, here.
Namely, churchgoing old women from the Midwest are the new hipsters.
Of course.
They even got their clothes vintage, before they were vintage.
I could also see the point from A to B in:
1. Potlucks are an old thing. It was a way for people to get together in their community and talk and share.
2. Potlucks are still going on, even though we have all this technology to otherwise connect us in easier ways.
3. Why is that?
4. "The aching desire to connect on a human level. Free from our cold, stunted, electronic lives."
All I'm saying is there's usually a grain of truth to these things. People generally dismiss the whole concept, but at the core, isn't it true? Potlucks in the modern age come from not having a lot of money and wanting to talk to people face to face. So what if he blows it up a little.
Of course, we're discussing this article as though it exists, when it doesn't…
"yeah", "uh huh", "sure", "I agree". and it goes on and on… all while eve's brain is drifting off to a happy place
i just realized how clark rhymes with park
gosh im dumb
The second to last panel looks like Eve's bullshit detector going off.
More like the "listening with roughly .003% of one ear" glazed look. Because the fuck if Eve's going to let the conversation ruin the vista.
Phasma Felis
I seriously can't tell if it's that or if she's struck dumb with infatuation.
Is Eve….breaking that bottle's neck??
No, I think that's a bottle opener.
noooo, you're looking at the bottle opener. lol
jaydot sloane
Yyyeah not gonna lie I'd hang around for cuteness after realizing the article is pretty silly
I'm loving this page. Panel 6(/7?) is genius.
I would totally switch teams for Jane.
Commodore Biggles
And once again, I find Eve's social life mirroring my own, despite never having lived anywhere near what you would call an Urban environment.
We stay IN because there's no where around here to GO.
wait a second, wait a second, this is a guy named Clark who works for a newspaper in New York. he's kinda hunky in a nerdy kind of way, with a forelock, good cheekbones, and glasses.
he's at least a riff on Clark Kent.
can't believe I didn't see that before.
I love both the fact that "going in" is totally a thing, and ALSO that the Times writes totally fluff, based-on-zero-actual-scientific-evidence "trend" pieces that talk about stuff list like this. It's like brilliance on both sides. HEART.
Also, Clark is also my type, but he wouldn't go for me. That basically describes my entire mid-twenties.
Luís Felipe Arantes
I just wanna say: It's been 3 years, and i'm brazilian, and this is my life… 0.o
Okay this is like my 5th read through of the series and I JUST NOW noticed the transition in panel 7/8. That's some fantastic comic work—every time I've read it I hadn't even registered the change, but I had unconsciously realized that the setting had shifted into Eve and Clark's previous conversation.
OP is the best webcomic on the internet, don't @ me.