Hey dudes, I know comics have been coming along slow, but that's because I'm working on something ambitious and it will be worth the wait, in this troper's opinion!!
I live in Philadelphia and all the modern art is on higher floors. Always noticed a trend in old art, especially medieval and renaissance, where 95% of the art focuses on Jesus. Adult Jesus, Baby Jesus, Mother Mary and Jesus, Jesus dying, Jesus doing miracles, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…
Oh don't get me wrong, I love art whether it be from ancient to today. I just think it's funny how religious everything was back then. It makes sense but still….you'd think they would have gotten tired of 'the jesus' after a while….
I'm going to burn in hell aren't I?
I think her point was to go back further in time…for example, there's not a lot of Jesus-centric art in the BC/BCE timeframe.
Or in most nonwestern art, for that matter…silly Eurocentricism.
Can I just say how cool it that we're actually getting a completely Hanna-centric story? I was flipping through both Octopus Pie books last night trying to find another, but couldn't find any. We've had side stories with Will and Park and other characters before, but it seems like Hanna is always the driving comic relief, or the center of a subplot. Nice to see her take center stage for once.
It's always been cool to like stupid things non-ironically. Heck, I'm gonna go see the new Die Hard movie. John McClane is pretty much a zombie protagonist; he takes whatever you throw at him and only stopped by destruction of the head.
Dammit, I had this great hypothesis about the Met being where the original beef between Hanna and Will went down, based on the flashback at the start of the Larry arc where Hanna is standing by a column, only to realize that the two columns look nothing alike. That's what I get for reading a comic about New York without ever having been to New York.
22 thoughts on “#579 – the met”
Cool lady makeouts book club? Sign me up!
I'm confused, was Hanna making a joke, or does she not realize there's only like two little public galleries on the third floor?
Or does she know about a secret stoner wing?!
Maybe her memories of going there in college were clouded by… whatever makes college memories so cloudy.
Ah.. then there must have been a secret stoner wing!
You wrote it so that people would read it "Cool ladies makeouts" "book club" instead of "Cool ladies" "makeouts book club" on PURPOSE
Hanna is not a fan of old art I see.
I live in Philadelphia and all the modern art is on higher floors. Always noticed a trend in old art, especially medieval and renaissance, where 95% of the art focuses on Jesus. Adult Jesus, Baby Jesus, Mother Mary and Jesus, Jesus dying, Jesus doing miracles, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…
At the met the modern art is on the first and second floors (and the roof garden).
Don't tell any art historians that; they'll be crushed that they didn't notice it.
Yeah, it's called commissioned religious art.
What wykstrad said.
Makes it really difficult to memorize artists and titles in Medieval to Renaissance art history courses. You get very good at making flash cards.
Jesus with monkey playing cymbals.
I feel like that should have been a Dali painting.
Clearly SOMEbody hasn't spent enough time in the ancient art sections
Sorry I'm a Classicist, I had to say something.
Oh don't get me wrong, I love art whether it be from ancient to today. I just think it's funny how religious everything was back then. It makes sense but still….you'd think they would have gotten tired of 'the jesus' after a while….
I'm going to burn in hell aren't I?
I think her point was to go back further in time…for example, there's not a lot of Jesus-centric art in the BC/BCE timeframe.
Or in most nonwestern art, for that matter…silly Eurocentricism.
Is it Hanna saying/thinking that last line, though? I have a hunch of an upcoming flashback.
Can I just say how cool it that we're actually getting a completely Hanna-centric story? I was flipping through both Octopus Pie books last night trying to find another, but couldn't find any. We've had side stories with Will and Park and other characters before, but it seems like Hanna is always the driving comic relief, or the center of a subplot. Nice to see her take center stage for once.
Kyle H.
"What if I waste my time enjoying something BAD?"
Is it cool to like stupid things non-ironically yet? Because Rocky IV is, just, The Best Thing.
It's always been cool to like stupid things non-ironically. Heck, I'm gonna go see the new Die Hard movie. John McClane is pretty much a zombie protagonist; he takes whatever you throw at him and only stopped by destruction of the head.
Dammit, I had this great hypothesis about the Met being where the original beef between Hanna and Will went down, based on the flashback at the start of the Larry arc where Hanna is standing by a column, only to realize that the two columns look nothing alike. That's what I get for reading a comic about New York without ever having been to New York.
Looks like you might be righ!
That's funny, I've always thought the best things were from fourth floor.
oooh i guess the cool lady make out thing is referencing the book they were talking about earler?