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That's the end of this storyline! It seemed long, but it was pretty short.
I'm very exciting to be redoing the site! Hope you like the new look.
Please be aware I'll be making tweaks all day, so there's no need to point out small errors you might find. We should be airtight by Tuesday or so. ;)
65 thoughts on “#296 – working for someone”
Love the new layout. You're right, it's not a whole lot, but it's great. The skyline really kicks ass
I like how the site is like, almost a compilation of all your O.P site designs.. or the ones I remember, anyhoo. Looks great!
Really liked this Will-centric storyline, btw
Scott Bieser
Man, talk about bursting a bubble.
I love Gewurztraminer! I can drink a whole bottle myself and enjoy a pleasant wine drunk, totally different from being drunk off of anything else.
Nice to see Marigold get some spotlight time too. I think she's really come a long way as a character with this arc, she was always on the fringe of things before.
I just like *saying* "Gewurztraminer".
aww, i loved this storyline! and the site looks great.
Can't escape the system I guess. Great arc.
B Shur
Love the new design, the black really makes the comic pop.
The new design looks fantastic!
I sympathize with Marigold a lot after this story.
Poor Marigold, what a let down.
Great site design! Clean, and very cool.
i thought the whole point of this storyline was 'WILL IS NOT DIFFERENT FROM OTHER BUSINESSMEN AT ALL'
he pretends to be the dude's friends, chats him up, takes his money, takes MORE money he didn't earn, but totally ditches the guy for rock climbing
he has a schedule, and a boss
David Waltergart
The next time you're exhausted after work, try a nice Gewurztraminer.
Gewurztraminer – not just for fowl & seafood!
i'm finding myself confused…. why did marigold suddenly go "wtf"?
lew basnight
Before spending the day with Will, she had enjoyed the fantasy that he was an unfettered outlaw who did whatever he liked and answered to no one. Upon seeing that his job involved pretty much the same things as anyone else's job (with increased chances of getting arrested or jumped) she is wrestling with disappointment and recognition.
At least, I think. Maybe I'm reading it wrong.
Mike Leung
Will did worse than flick Marigold's card into the fish tank. Her rebel boyfriend admitted even he is someone's whore. Who is there now for her to love?
Gewurztraminer is great!
so tteokbokgi isn't gettin' any love? I adore that stuff – all gooey and spicy. Yum!
And here I thought Marigold was cool…
:: Royal Tteokbokgi (Rice Cakes) ::…
David Waltergart
I'm thinking of Bul-go Gee, is that in the right cuisine? Oh, wait…(refreshing page) – Thanks Ron!
I'll try tteokbogi, sure!
My fave Korean restaraunt shut down, but then I liked that it was so quiet (damn!).
David Waltergart
restaurant, Oy…
I really like the new look for the website Meredith!
More potdealer stories. Gotta love comics about pot.
Loooooooove tteokbogi. I just need to find a place that makes it Korean-spicy. Why do Indian restaurants give you the option of "hot" or "Indian-person hot" but not Korean restaurants?
haha. I hate Marigold so much. Good arc though. And sweet layout.
It's a miracle! You made a layout. It looks great.
Great layout Marigold, it is a welcome change, out with the old and in with the new!
Also, panel 5-7 is the face of someone whose world has been shattered.
Jess Fink
Hey, it looks foxy up in here!
Mr. Fowl
I like the new layout, but the font of the site itself–of the comments, your posting–is a bit hard to read.
huh? Helvetica is hard to read?
i was going to say something about the font, too. it's not that it's hard to read, per se… maybe that it's too bold? or the font is too large. in your blog part, i mean; it looks fine on the comments. but i really like the design! it reminds me of one you had a long time ago. but better!
Mike Leung
I don't know if this is what everyone else is talking about, but I always thought when windows started supporting helvetica, it displayed it even uglier than arial. If you're obsessive about keeping your CSS lean, declaring your font-family: Arial, Helvetica as your default will display arial in windows and helvetica in mac on all occasions. (Playing around with tahoma might serve as a simpler alternative as a default font.)
Just wanted to confirm that the font looks absolutely awful in Firefox/Windows, at least on my machine — the main body of both the blog posts and (if you look closer) the comments (the titles look fine.) I'm not much of a font nerd but it looks like it's not getting anti-aliased or something — very pixellated. I guess it could also just be an issue with my local fonts, but I'm pretty sure I have Helvetica… anyways, I am sure I will get over it.
(The skyline is very pretty but it is taking up a truly impressive amount of vertical real-estate. The comic barely fits above the fold!)
Mike Leung
Well, the firefox-developers obviously don't have the access to windows that the ie-developers have, so I'm not sure what you mean by a font that doesn't look awful in firefox on windows, except for fonts sized too tiny to read without planting your face in front of the monitor. (The most visible font at a tiny size being verdana.)
Yay for the site revamp. The skyline looks spiffy. It vaguely reminds me of a picture book I had as a kid called round trip, where you read it one way for a drive into the city during the day and then turned it upside down for the return trip at night:…
Marigold's come a long way since the Laser Tag match. Will continues to be tied for my favorite character
As for the site design, so long as it has those giant right and left arrows I love so much, I'll think it's lovely.
Randall Drew
Site looks nice, like the black border. NOT a big fan of the Helvetica tho. It's too spacey compared to the rest of the text on the site which is compact and flows easier. When you spaced between your lines of text. ick!
Heather Ann
I really like the skyline background, but thought I would let you know that the spacing is off if you view it in Firefox with AdBlock Plus running. The Project Wonderful ads get blocked, so all the content moves up higher, and then the skyline kind of runs through the content instead of sitting above it.
Don't block my ads, I need money from those
stop… needing money
if you figure out how to do this please contact me
There is no good reason to block the static, non-malicious ads I run. I make much-needed money from them and (in many cases) other indie artists pay out of pocket for them.
To block PW ads in particular is to deny myself and other artists a valuable ad & revenue system!
David Ma
Also, you're missing out on awesome things like Chester 5000 XYV
i was just trying to be amusing, i don't block the ads, that's just a dick thing to do
Love the expressions in panel seven.
noooooooooo i hate emoticons
Scott Bieser
Blocking ads from web-comics sites is like walking a check at a restaurant — it hurts the person working for you (waitress/cartoonist) a lot more than the boss (manager/advertiser). I think we need to start a campaign here.
And why block PROJECT WONDERFUL ads? You're just blocking wonderfulness.
Poor Marigold. She really believed in the glamour of pot-dealing, and now the dream is over.
It's so weird to see Tteokbokgi written out in English letters. XD
My mom makes the best. <3
Great comic I think I just read it all within a day or so.
Man… I thought Will was so cool being a badass pot dealer, now he's just a guy with a job, and his job is selling pot. :[
David Waltergart
I've found some pretty good s**t clicking on those ads, you know. Mer has obviously worked hard to get that level of quality, so please, don't be a jerk and BRAG how you can block them!
How can you not like Nerf?
Joseph T. SpiderJeru
God damn everthing, but I love Will. I can't decide if I resemble him or Marek. I'm leaning towards Marek, since I'm half Polish and don't indulge in reefer anymore. Come to think of it, does Marek smoke? Can anyone help me out here?
I think being Hannah's boyfriend is equivalent to smoking 2.7 ounces a day. So there's that, plus whatever Marek chooses to inhale himself.
David Ma
I was about to ask "What's with Marigold's stoned expression" but then I realised that they've just finished selling pot, and Will's clearly smoking something.
JUST finished reading from comic 1 all the way up to here! LOVED every single strip. Consider myself subscribed!
Tree of Joey Lawrenc
Where is Marigold's profile in the cast page?
Marigold breaks my heart in this one. Thinking she was starting to make a connection with Will, only to have that illusion shattered by what he brought up next. I can empathize. Anyway, I like the new site!
I like your new layout.
Poor Marigold.. you can never quite escape the world of a working stiff.
And this is the BEST ending for this storyline!
It makes me smile.
it'd be nice to have a proper archive.. now when i miss a few weeks worth i have to go to the most recent one and keep clicking back.. getting shocks and spoilers along the way
i know it's not your problem but if its not too much trouble, please consider it.
love your work!
Will's facial expressions gave me the impression that was acting and only pretending to have a boss in order to disillusion Marigold and quell her romantic (mis)conception of the drug trade.
I just started reading this. Gewurtzraminer is my favorite wine. I actually got to mention it earlier.
I really love how he's trying to come up with the most "unpronouncable" things he can think of ^^