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I was staying with my pal Vera when I drew this page. She made a suggestion of the bad guy's raised leg in frame #2, and I think it enhanced a lot. Ever a faithful friend!
The week is just about over and I might fall behind on a few comments until after Xmas - just a heads up. I'll make them up though! Happy Holidays, OP rereaders!
7 thoughts on “#276 – boing”
Marvin Choi
This is the first Octopie sketch I ever got!
The raised leg definitely is a great addition. I'm talking out of my b*tt but I feel like it gives that piece of action balance and a sense of forward momentum.
So I'm not quite sure I understand the stunt she pulls off in bottom left panel. Is she naturally super bouncy or what? I mean it's a cartoon and she may be flutter jumping in the last panel so maybe.
The bonus is probably inflatable, as most were on the show. So she’s bouncing off of that.
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate this reposting! I discovered this comic pretty late in the game and going through the entire archive seemed VERY daunting at the time. I love being able to read it in the original webcomic format! Happy holidays!
Katie Veronin
I have always enjoyed this page for Eve's "air run" in the last panel. It never fails to get a smile from me.
Eve's got that Yoshi float