#976 – blended invisibly

You can tell (or at least, I can) that I added most of the dialogue digitally, and that the content of it didn't matter much to the layout. This page is sort of a denouement to Mar's curse of the love sweater. Jane grasps the weight of what's being offered, and decides to accept it. From there, the question of living together isn't far off. Sure, it might be a little early for all this. But with the acceleration of external factors, timelines that were already pretty arbitrary are called into question. Suffice to say, a lot of my friends are having the baby, leaving the city, buying the camper van, and baking the focaccia this year.

One thought on “#976 – blended invisibly

  1. What I like about Jane and Mar is that the stuff that seems simple to one of them is often very complicated and meaningful to the other. "Hey, I spent a bunch of time making you something with my own two hands" matters to Jane even if Mar didn't find it difficult or tedious. We'll see the same thing happen not too long from now when Mar's freaking out about how Jane will perceive her reaction to holding a baby, and Jane's just like "Heh, cute." That casual acceptance that Jane's capable of without any effort, that doesn't come with a bunch of inspection and hyperanalysis both of the situation and of the self, is something I don't think Mar could summon up in her wildest dreams. Sometimes those kind of things can clash, but often they can complement.

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